Thursday, May 19, 2005

Is Everything Ever Different?

She had made up her mind. The goals were in place and everything was planned out. Luke was gone and would be gone for a long time, long enough for her to accomplish what she'd set out to do. Somehow she never thought that this other man would really come back onto her life though.

They met a short time ago but he quickly disappeared till, as if planned, Luke's departure. He came into her life with force, so strongly that she hardly had time to catch her breath in the situation. He was going to pull apart everything she'd set up in her life. Admittedly it wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn't what she expected to happen in her life and THAT was a bad thing.

Rather than give into this new temptation that arrived she decided to fight and while it was a very difficult thing to do in the beginning she slowly found the strength inside of her to keep him from hindering the self-designed timeline of her life. He kept pushing and working to gain entry but she held strong against the currents that seemed to be working with him.

After working for so long at trying to break down her gates a growing more and more tired of not being capable of making it through he began to think to himself. "If she's fighting this hard to keep me out, could she be happy when I finally did get in?" With that he determined that her gates could remain locked to him and he walked away.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

He Wants, She Needs

He wants her to miss him, just a little, while he's gone
He wants her to smile when she sees him
He wants to bring her up when she is down
He wants to put his arm around her and have her lean into him
He wants to hold her hand as they walk and just talk
He wants to bring her up when she's down

She needs him
but . . .
She needs space.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Lions' Pride

Three lions woke up one morning and went for a walk. Passing by other lions feasting on their gazelles began to make them a little hungry and they decided that they needed to go hunting for some food.

The first lion made a great roar and jumped right into the middle of the firs group of gazelles he saw. Not much of a reaction could be noticed from the herd and so the lion decided to inspect them a little closer. He began to wonder if they were really all that healthy and if he really did want to eat them at all. Deciding that he wasn't going to find a gazelle to his liking in the bunch he left, but noticed that some of the gazelle had begun to follow him. Startled by this unusual situation he ran away as quickly as he could in hopes of losing the crazed animals and finding some other gazelle that might actually act normal.

The second wasn't as fond of the large gatherings of gazelle and instead opted for three standing off on their own. Stealthily he crept closer to them and when he got close enough he chose the gazelle he thought would make the best meal. As the lion got into pouncing position the two unselected animals got startled and jolted away. The lion gave chase to the two giving away his position to the last gazelle. He whipped around in an attempt to catch the last one but it only left him dizzy, sitting all alone on his spot in the plane watching the three meals dispersing in different directions.

Along came the last lion who ran straight at another herd of gazelle. They all separated but he quickly caught up with one of them. Instead of pouncing for the take down he ran side by side the gazelle waiting to see if it would ever slow down in order that he might make a clean kill of the pray. The gazelle continued running at full speed and the lion continued to follow till he finally got too tired to do anything and stumbled to the ground in an exhausted heap.

The moral of the story? Just because it came easy it doesn't mean it isn't good. When you have a goal go after it and don't let anything get in your way. Put your all into it till it's done.