Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Jack Be Nimble Jack Be Quick

Bass is one of those guys that has never really LIKED a girl. Sure there are a number of young ladies that can easily catch his attention, but none of them have been able to hold it. So it has really come as no surprise talking with him about Evergreen. For one reason or another Bass just isn't ready to get into a relationship with her. . . at least that's how it was until Dam came around.

Evergreen and Dam where beginning to get a little interested in each other and as Bass sat back and watched he began to ponder to himself (and to me.) "If a guy like Dam is interested in Evergreen then why shouldn't I be interested in Evergreen?"

Why are people so afraid of testing the waters? Especially in situations like Bass and Evergreen where they've known each other for at least four years? Is it really so difficult for people to simply talk it over and decide they're just better off as friends? Now I realize that phrase has some horrible connotations to it, but really if everyone can be an adult about it and accept things it's not that bad.

I've been told a number of times that I'm pretty simple minded :-) but it sure does make life easier. Complications just never seem to make people happy.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Kate said...

I can think of at least three times in the last year when someone I liked didn't like me enough back to do anything about it, UNTIL someone else came along. In one of the three cases, I picked the guy that suddenly became more interested, and soon discovered that it was probably the less intelligent choice. His interest was fleeting. Fickle, if you will. :)


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