Monday, April 11, 2005

Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Tree

We know the story about the girl who hears her lover has been called off to war. After a long kiss good-bye the boy in uniform gets on the train and the girl waits for the man to return.

In the Mormon culture there is much the same scenario. It is common for an LDS boy to leave on a mission around the age of 19 and then he's gone for two years. He could be going only a few thousand miles away or maybe to the other side of the world. It makes little difference, he is gone and she is waiting for the man to return.

When a missionary leaves a girlfriend at home there is the possibility that she might get taken up by another man that has already gotten home. (It isn't too often that she gets taken by one that has yet to leave on his own mission.) It works out to be a bit of a gamble. "Does she love me enough to wait the full two years?" "Will other guys try and date, and after a little success she'll decide that I'm better?" Once the boy leaves the only control he has over the matter is to send letters regularly, whereas the men still at home still have direct contact. Dear John's are a common occurrence out in the mission field and it becomes a time of sorrow for the missionary (and a time of celebration for his companion because now he'll actually get to work!)

It is a constant battle between the boys and the men about who gains and who loses. The most ridiculous part of it all is that the girls simply reap the rewards one way or the other :D


At 3:43 PM, Blogger American Girl said...

Not neccessarily - try being her roommate!

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Warning: The following is merely MY opinion, and I do not intend to impose it on anyone else.

I think waiting for missionaries is usually stupid.
I think about how much I changed in the two years that most of my friends were on their missions, and I can't imagine holding to a relationship through all of that.
I think both parties usually do a lot of growing up, and it's often easier to start from square one when Elder ___ gets home.
No preconcieved notions of eternal bliss, just two people trying to be happy together.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger American Girl said...

I think that is stated very well. I have always said it is better to support the mission rather than waiting for him. One having a girlfriend is highly distracting to the missionary and usually ends up being a guilty thing for the girl. The girl and guy should write and keep in touch during this away period, but not make any plans, because time change change everything.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Heidi said...

This is what I always told the elders in my mission:

Your girlfriend may not wait for you but your wife will.

Same goes for sisters in the field who leave boyfriends behind. It really all works out in the end.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger David Cho said...

Is it safe to say at any given time, there are more girls than men at home?

Then once you are back from the assignment, then you ought to be a very happy man with a lot of opportunities.


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