Friday, February 17, 2006

To Every Season, Turn . . . Turn . . . Turn . . .

Sounding boards are amazing things. They don't have to do anything but act like their interested in what you have to say and great things often come from it. Well, last night I was able to use two of the Three Angels as souding boards. As I explained to them my dilema it became rather obvious to myself how dumb I really had been. (This is not to say that I'm not being dumb, but it is to say that I don't currently realize it.)

Having a relationship with Tom would not be a bad thing, infact I've been encouraged to do so by a number of people, nobody but myself has thought of doing otherwise, untill I brought up Harmony. Apparently no matter how many guys may be after her or how busy she might be I'm still supposed to pursue her. Tom and I didn't match, Harmony and I would win the cutest couple award in any competition. (At least that is what the Angels would have me believe.)

In other words, whatever might have been growing between Tom and myself, I need to drop it back down to the level of a good friendship and, though it's been a long time, I'm being called a heart breaker once again.


At 7:22 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Now that's an interesting concept. ;) Just dropping in to check on you again, and make sure you're not causing too much trouble. TTFN!

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Jimmy said...

Causing too much trouble for what? Too much trouble for me to be able to get out of? No. Too much trouble for my friends to deal with and thus they are all going to leave me soon? Possibly. Too much trouble to make it into Heaven? I certainly hope not, but that still has yet to be determined.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Well, I suppose if you can get out of the trouble, then you shouldn't have to worry about those other two. At any rate, your trouble-making will not drive my friendship away. :) Dare I say that I find your little streak of supposed "badness" difficult to believe, but certainly an interesting development? I guess I dare, because it's said.


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