Saturday, August 27, 2005


My friends have returned for the school year and for some reason they seem set on reminding me of last year when there was this girl I was dating, yeah Hail Marry.

It was in a conversation with Golden Arches when she asked me about how things had gone with Hail Marry and was wondering if it was OK for them to still hang out. To be honest that confused me a little. Sure I know that you two are friends and if things ever had ended badly between Hail Marry and myself I might not want to spend a lot of time around her, but I don't expect any of my friends to shun her for our mistakes.

I guess it's a great thing to know that while I'm not the man that they're looking for all the girls I've dated are still willing to be my friend when all is said and done. (And we're not just talking the "let's be friends" type of thing either.)


At 10:51 AM, Blogger American Girl said...

That is something that I have never been able to understand. Why stop being friends with someone because it might be a little awkward. Buck it up and move forward. Some of my best friends are guys that were at one time part of an akward situation. I would really be missing out today if I hadn't bucked it up!


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