Saturday, June 11, 2005

What's So Great About Really Deep Thoughts?

I've had time to ponder, which is something I love to do. I've pondered about many things and often my mind has drifted to the matter of love and about the girls that I've chosen to pursue.

Many guys are able to tell me specific things they like in a girl, but for the longest time I've never really been able to define one trait which all the girls that caught my attentions have possessed. This isn't a big deal, but it made me a little more curious so it became almost a matter of study for myself.

I still don't have an absolute list, but there are some things that I've discovered: Physically there are only two traits: First: I like girls that are tall. I'm tall, is just have a hard time being attracted to shorter girls. So many guys, tall or short, seem to like the shorter girls--I don't get it. Second: Their eyes captivate me. I've thought a lot about this one and remember quite well that when I've first met what I'll call Girls of Attraction, or G of A for short, I get almost confused if I look into their eyes. My mind left me for the first few real conversations I had with these girls.

As for their personality this one is a little harder for me to pinpoint, but here I go. They know what they like and they know what they can tolerate, but they don't push it on anybody. A G of A for me is easy going and loves to laugh. Probably most important is that she knows what she is capable of and strives to be able to reach even higher.

The best way I can explain it is that they amaze me and that's what breaks down the barriers of my heart.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger B said...

Eyes are one of my favorite features. They are very telling. I have been told the the window to the soul are through the eyes and I completely agree. Personality is the make or break. A beautiful person can become ugly fairly quickly by what proceeds out of the mouth.

At 7:33 AM, Blogger American Girl said...

A few years ago a friend asked me what "my type" was. I asked her what she meant by that. She said that she had noticed that during the time she had known me, every guy I had liked was very different from the previous ones. I thought about this before answering and I told her that I don't have a type. I am attracted to a person based on their potential to be better. Each person is different and has different qualities that I find attractive. Some I am attracted to because of their sense of humor, their spirituality, their sense of self, etc. Each person has unique characteristics that make them who they are and make them attractive.

I think we all have things that we find attractive in a person, but that list should never be cut and dry. I think it would be easier to define things you wouldn't find attractive. Because every guy I have gone out with has taught me mroe about who I am and what I deserve or don't deserve.


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